COMP2710 Special Topics in Computer Science

Welcome to Numerical Computing with Julia, Semester 2 2023!

Special Case Course Enrollment

You may need a permission code to enrol (I knew some Master students needed it). If so, please submit a request here. This process is managed by Student Services.

Course Information (Outline available here)

Course Staff

Course Convener and Lecturer


Course Description

This is an introductory course on numerical computation with a focus on computer program realization using Julia. The course covers topics such as roots of non-linear equations, function approximation with series expansions, polynomial interpolation and data fitting, algorithms for solving linear systems of equations, quadrature rules for numerical integration, difference rules for numerical differentiation, and a tentative topic on numerical methods for differential equations. Emphasis is made on algorithm development implementation in Julia and the basic mathematical ideas behind the algorithms. Learning to use Julia will be an important part of the course.

Course Learning Outcomes


Additional resources